Tuesday, 17 July 2012

the people

some of the most naturally beautiful people here. We love the service and all the cool friends we have met.

Monday, 2 July 2012

Friday, 29 June 2012

Guam one of its beautiful coasts!

We traveled down south with a missionary sister[ Tanya Denmen ] who has lived around this Island for many years. Its a small Island yet it seems to have a different beauty at each little cove. The people are friendly with there ready smiles and blended culture of the local Chimorro and Philapeanos with other Islander. I love the mix and the cool skirts that represents their unique group. Service is an experience that Tony and I love. They seem to respect the bible and we have met bible students who respond so strongly to Jehovah's message some of the experiences can make you cry. Enjoy!


Riding Crazy Animals here in Guam

Got to ride what in English we call a Waterbuffalo!